Buying Stock Stock may be purchased once the player has developed a land grant. If the player is unable to develop due to all the grants being creating grants with no companies available for creation, that player is exempt from developing a land grant that turn and may purchase stock as normal. A player may not purchase stock once he or she has requested the issue of new land grants from the DOE after they have already developed one that turn. That would be considered insider information and is not allowed. The player may purchase stock by either selecting Buy Stock from the Player menu or by pressing the Buy button on the game board. A dialog box will appear which will show the companies which are currently in existence, the number of shares available, and the cost per share. Three buttons appear next to each of the companies. One button represents each share which may be purchased. The first column of buttons represents the first share to purchase, the second column the second share, and the third column the third share. One share may be selected from each column. Once the player has selected the shares they wish to purchase, they press the Buy button. If the purchase exceeds the amount of cash the player has or the number of shares requested from a company would exceed the companies 25 share limit, then the purchase is declared invalid and the player must modify the purchase to be valid. The player may make only a single purchase each turn (even if they elect to purchase only one or two shares). Once the Buy button in the dialog has been pressed and accepted, the player may not make another purchase that turn. If the player wishes to cancel their purchase, they may press the Cancel button in the dialog. The player may clear the dialog by pressing the Clear button. Once the purchase has been accepted, the player's cash is deducted and their shares are increased accordingly.